Hello developers!

Hello developers!

A small introduction.

Who I'm?

Hi folks πŸ‘‹, you're looking confused, well myself Neetesh, and I'm new πŸ˜‰ at blogging it's my first blog, and also trying to complete my first new year resolution 🫒. Oh, I shouldn't share it with but that's ok πŸ‘Œ. For the shake of introduction with each other, you can subscribe to me or like the post, umm that's awkward right πŸ˜…, after lookup up my monthly blogging planing you can follow me.. πŸ˜‰

And with the special message to vloggers, hey you, can you please help me to start with good content writing ✍️ please πŸ₯²? I'm open to ideasπŸ’‘ and help me to improve.

What am I going to Start?

So after reading to introduction stuff You might think it's what's your planning πŸ€” for February.

So I'm going to start a modern Javascript blogging series where I'll let you know some modern and important javascript concepts that are very important for a Full stack javascript developer.

For instance, we have epic topics like array functions, prototypes, closure, event loop, promise, etc.

So yeah 😀 we have a lot more things to discuss and learn together so learners get ready to Joy with Javascript.

And in the end, we'll have a meme 😁, a healthy environment is important folks...

You can connect with me on Twitter and GitHub.

Meme of the day

Oh no